Some twenty eight Brethren and guests attended the Installation meeting of the West Lancashire Lodge of Mark Masters No.65 on Wednesday 5 November 2014 at Hope Street.  VWBro. Brain Molyneux PGJO represented our Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Bro. Peter Connolly, and the entire Ceremony was carried out by the Immediate Past Master and senior member of the lodge W.Bro. Richard F. Wilson PGSt’dB.
The Master Elect was well supported with seven Grand Lodge Officers present, and four Acting Provincial Grand Lodge officers. The Lodge also welcomed two joining members, prior to the Installation.
VWBro. Brian Molyneux PGJO, Bro Eric Poole and W.Bro. Richard F. Wilson PGSt’dB. Installing Master
The Master Elect Bro. Eric Poole, was Advanced into the Lodge 1st September 2010 and would have been in the “Chair” last year but stood down to allow W.Bro. Wilson, to occupy the office of Master, for the Sesqui-Centenary of the Lodge.
At the conclusion of the Installation, VWBro. Molyneux after having given greetings, and congratulations to Bro. Eric, on behalf of the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, and on his own behalf, and after having accepted a cheque to the value of £200 from the Lodge, to be donated to Mark Masonic Charity, then presented Bro. Eric with a personal gift, of his own Past Masters Apron, this was met with acclaim.
The Brethren assembled
Following the work in the Lodge, all those present enjoyed each others company at the Festive Board, in a convivial and happy atmosphere.
Report and photographs courtesy of Colin Mills PGStdB.